
A view of the east side from the reservoir

Sunday, May 16, 2010

End of Week Blog, May 16th

This week was the first week of my senior project. Over the past week I have accomplished many things. I have started research on the things I plan to photograph and have photographed so far. I also got my late birthday present from my father, which is a Cannon Rebel SXi. I spent time learning how to use my new camera because it is different from the Nikon D40 that Patrice kindly lent me. In the beginning of the week I planed out all of the things I want to photograph. I am really glad I created a written list because there is so much to photograph in New York City.
There were a few things that I found challenging this week. I did not think it was going to be so difficult to take pictures in the city but the harsh light and shadows have made it harder that I originally thought. Once I got adjusted to my new camera and figured out the correct time to shoot it became much easier. I also realized that editing down my pictures is going to be a lot more challenging because already after only one week of shooting I have around 1,000 pictures.
My favorite place I have taken pictures of so far is central park and the view of the city from the empire state building. I forgot how beautiful the park is and how many cool places there are to explore. It is really amazing that you can be lying in the grass next to Turtle Pond and Belvidere castle and have a view of the New York sky line. Even though getting up to the top of the empire state building was a challenge because of all the long lines, once I reached the top it was beautiful. I have only been to the empire state building for meetings with my mother but had never actually been to the top. The two hour wait to get to the top made it so I had a view of the city during sun set, which was beautiful and made it worth the wait.
Today I went on snap fish and started uploading pictures that I plan to put in my book as well as learning how to further use the site. I also plan to use photo shop to perfect some of my finally photos. I am extremely tired from walking around so much yesterday so I am going to rest and do work in my apartment until tonight when I plan to take night pictures.


  1. Lucy! I LOVE all of the pictures you have taken so far - keep 'em coming! We miss you in Fowler! Love, Christina D. - Dorm Parent :)

  2. I'm such a sucker for water pictures. The pond with boats bring back so many memories. I would watch children play with huge ones at the Jardin de Luxembourg in Paris. Timeless really.
