
A view of the east side from the reservoir

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tuesday, May 18th

Last night I finalized editing all the photos i have taken so far as well as spent time uploading them all to Snapfish. Today was supposed to be my last day of picture taking before I put my book together but unfortunately it was poring rain all day long. Even though it was raining I was able to go take pictures of Yankee Stadium. Since it was raining I decided to put my book together today instead of Wednesday and I plan on taking pictures tomorrow instead of today. I spent about 4 hours putting together my book, I have added about 200 pictures, as well as captions and a dedication, which has added up to 51 pages so far.


  1. If you still are taking about a picture of the New York Public Library? I'm enjoying reading your blog & seeing your pictures.

  2. The light quality on your picture of the Empire State Building is wonderful.
