
A view of the east side from the reservoir

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday, May 14th

Today I woke up to an overcast and rainy New York. Since it was not a good day to take pictures I started editing, deleting and categorizing my work. After two hours of editing I decided that I should start creating a lay out for my book, which I did for an hour and a half, so when it comes time to print it I am not overwhelmed with work. It finally started getting nice later in the day so I decided to go take pictures. I only was able to take pictures for two hours because it was so hot and humid out. I mainly walked in the park near my house and on the boardwalk. I got photos of children playing in the playground that I spent all my spring afternoons in with my babysitter after school when I was younger. I also walked along the boardwalk talking pictures of the bridges, the FDR drive, the east river and people enjoying the sun. My favorite pictures that I took today were the pictures of people and there dogs as well as the doggy parks along the east river. Tonight I plan to go onto my roof again and shoot the city from higher up during sun set as well as after dark.

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